Thursday, July 18, 2024

Avulse - Justified (Promo 2024)

Hey freaks. Still nothing on the regular posting front. Life, lack of submissions, and the fall of the blogspot as a music aggregator are all contributing factors. 2024 is the 15th anniversary of Avulse forming. It's also been 12 since I put out anything new (Demagogue was last in 2012). However, that feeling has been stirring and thus far we have put out a new track for a benefit comp, have a new album ready to go before the end of the year ("I Will Unmake this World" on Fiadh Productions), and put out this two song promo yesterday. One new song and a Cock Sparrer cover (oi! to all my skinhead and SHARP brothers)

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Wholy Failure - may he keep the world for his people

Hey all,
As you've probably noticed, Khaaos, Fleshy, and myself have not been posting regularly for a LONG time. I haven't been getting many submissions to post, and I don't have any time to post any that I do. Also, I'm still angry that I ever gave Ghost Bath's fake-chinese bullshit a platform (seriously, such a stupid fucking gimmick).

Anyways, here's a new Wholy Failure EP for you. 3 un/partially-released songs that were all recorded after Sand In Our Eyes. I haven't been writing much as of late, but I wanted to get this out. I like to think of this as the spiriutal successor to "Abortion Eurcharist", so if you enjoyed that record, you probably will like this. If you were hoping for Tree of Human Debris pt II (or anything remotely black metal), I'm sorry and feel well and free to skip this.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Dagger Lust - S/T (2016)

I don't know where to begin with this one, for a demo that clocks under 15 minutes this is more satisfying to listen than most full lengths out there. Depraved, raw and with a crisp dirty production, highly recommended ;) !

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Field of Spears - And the Earth Soundly Slept

Hey everyone, I have an assload of some pretty good music to upload and I will try to be more regular! But there is a new Field of Spears record out now. Released by the always righteous Colloquial Sound Recordings, this is the fifth full-length we've done. More sparse than Heathen Youth , it aims to wind through your heart and mind and let you know where the holes are.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Grigax - Demo

"Grigax is named this to glorify a kid I went to school with named Adam Grigas, who 4 years after graduating, murdered his 40 year old girlfriend (his mom's best friend) with an Ax while under a psychotropic trance on halloween in 2008."

 When you blend a thematic statement like this with the music that's featured on this demo, its bound to entice weirdos like myself. Coming off as a varied mix of (the better acts of) depressive black metal, Dead Can Dance, and the darker Jarboe era SWANS, Grigax gives us a great and non-typical demo. AM's vocals mournfully flow through the darkness, a Hope Sandoval on heroin-esque performance over the bastard musical love child of Michael Gira and Codeine, all under the watchful eyes of Quorthon and Angelo Badalamenti. Other times seething with rage and bile, screaming towards none and all while guitars languish with malice and melancholy. Heartbreaking, scornful, devastating, enrapturing; a misanthropic voyage with great reward for undertaking. I can't wait to see what AM will do with her next recordings. Definite recommendation.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sangre Y Tierra - En La Proxima Vida

Happy new year freaks. This came out New Year's Eve, but it definitely ranks as probably the best of last year, even after the few listens I've given it thus far. SYT was pretty quiet for the past year, with Marv focusing more on other musical endeavors, but is back with a vengeance. This is a culmination of everything we've loved about every SYT record, taken to the max. Marv screeches, growls, rasps, shouts, and even throat sings the deeply personal lyrics in Spanish, while powerfully and beautifully wrapping the music around and through the length of the record. The bass stands out in a way that few black metal acts have it do so. This was worth the wait, and the send off 2015 needed.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Field of Spears - You'll Always Find Me EP

So this is kind of a b-side from the new record (which is almost finished, hurrah for once), just didn't really fit with the vibe of what I've been coming up with. It does feel like it could have been on Cairns for the Lost.

Wholy Failure - Sand In Our Eyes

A new Wholy Failure experiment to boggle the mind and fuck the ears. Almost an hour long noise/drone ritual.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Most Holy Death - Even in the Blossoms of My Sin EP

A new day, a brand new record from our friend Most Holy Death. This just released EP focuses more on the noise/experimental side of MHD. A harsh, unyielding slab of noise that entices and destroys, as hypnotic and transfixing as anything on Forsake Your Blood, Death Knell, or the split with Wholy Failure

Monday, July 13, 2015

Mur - Athabasca

Wow. Not often do I find a band who can make the content or subject of their music feel as cohesive and alive as Mur has on his first release. Cam Sather is the artist known as Mur and from his Minnesota base he has created some of the best and most compelling black metal I have heard in a long while. Athabasca tells of the relation between the Grey Wolf and American Bison, and if you are going to tell an American story, you best have an american sound. Mur has that in spades, from a drone influence recalling Scenics' Aquatica (a very desolate southwestern drone sound, fitting for description of the great plains of the US), to banjo and acoustic guitar working together, to black metal sections that just sound like they were born between the Atlantic and the Pacific. Appalachia with Cascadia, none overwhelming the other. This is just top notch music here. Well done. Very well done.

Kormeth - Despond

This may be the worst guitar sound that I've heard in a long time. Sounds like it was played with a first act guitar through a 2 watt practice amp (the shitty solid state ones) and recorded with a computer mic. Its so thin and non-realistic and just noodles on pointlessly and tunelessly. Also the mixing seems to be an issue as well. If you are going to feature midi instruments, you want your music to either sound as good or the midi to sound as bad as your recording. This is just a mess of superclean synths and midi vox over said superthin guitars, bass that stands out (of the mix, and the song, but not in any sort of way you'd want) and surprisingly decent vocals. I get the feeling that this is supposed to be experimental but only the bass really succeeds in sounding put together, and ends up overplaying over everything else. The leads are just out of tune jazzy noodling. Its like getting your dick sucked by someone with a mouth full of bitting ants (or for a less fucky example like getting your dick sucked by a teenager with braces and no clue how to suck a cock). Yes, its still a blowjob, but its so bad and painful you'd have been better of just rubbing one out or learning how to fuck your own ass. This is kind of up its own ass, but going limp at the same time. A little more time to focus on songwriting, a lot more cohesiveness on the mixing, better guitar playing, and reign in the bass, and this project could improve a lot. Until then, pass the lube.

Rasha'im - An Invocation

Like Murphy's Law, back with a bong! Rasha'im kicks us off with some basic ass demo of basic ass satanic black metal. Sounds like a single take rehearsal demo. Hopefully you like your snare drums with no snap and your bass drum played with a stuffed animal on a stick. Nothing too offensive, pretty much black metal 101 mixed with some doom metal elements. Actually the longer, doom-ier songs are more enjoyable and flow better. A pretty middle of the road, but enjoyable first release from these kvltists from Colorado.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Wholy Failure/Most Holy Death - Split

I'm back (for now). I just wanted to make sure this release fell into your hands. WF drops the weird electronic beats, the post-punk flourishes, and electronic attitude that have become a hallmark of its sound as of late. In fact, there is no percussion anywhere on the WF songs. Just a latter/mid-period SWANS vibe run through a drone-y filter mixed with the dark noisy post rock that WF has played with before. Most Holy Death serve up two mammoth slabs of his suffocatingly beautiful blackened dronedoom, another monument on how to perfect the blending on those styles.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Zeugen der Leere - Seelenwanderer

Big production "dark metal" from Germany. Sort of an Agalloch meets Katatonia via Woods of Ypres vibe going on. Well performed, well written, not super cheesy, most of the lyrics are in German so I can't tell what they are about. If you are a fan of the style, you probably will cream yourself over this. I think its pretty cool and will revisit it at a later point, for sure.

Endzeit - Years of Hunger

Apocalyptic raw black metal from Finland. It's definitely not the reinvention of the wheel, but godfuckingdamn, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Rival Youth Cults Emerge - Harp

Aside from a fucking goofy name, RYCE is a pretty neat band. This London, UK based one man project blends Post-black metal sounds with noise and drone, creating a compelling and entrancing listen. Plus, Alien references on at least two of the songs, possibly this entire release is about Ripley, but I don't know without the lyrics. I think this is a solid release despite a slightly uneven production throughout, and definitely worth checking out.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Natanas - Cmertnost (Смертность)

A gracious and delightful new year to you all. We start this year off with a project from the frost-bitten (from the cold and the meth) depths of Wyoming, the black/doom Natanas. Eh, definitely not great, or good, or listenable for the majority of the run time. This sounds like if Lord Wherewolfe from Kill Violate Mutilate decided to stop worshiping at the altar of GG Allin/not legal teenage girls and started to write black/doom about quantum physics and demons and Gadsen flags, then decided his already shitty guitar tone wasn't shitty enough, so he cuts through the speaker on his 10w yamaha practice combo and then drinks another handle of whiskey before starting to record. Yeah. I won't say it's completely without its charms. The drums are usually doing their own thing and that thing is usually more interesting than the guitar/vocals (not "better", just more interesting), and the last song is kind of cool with a sort of Eastern European folk vibe going on via a mandolin mixed with a post punk vibe from the drums. Like I believe though, I'm not the king of good taste, so you should check this out yourself.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dahakara - Lone Aeon

Dahakara is an experimental black metal band from Turkey. Or something like that, I'm still not quite sure. Electronic beats and bloops, sounds that look like they came from the nebula on the cover, MIDI guitars; they all converge to create something that, while not great enough to love, is so blatantly off the wall that it actually enhances the listening experience. The songs aren't long at all, but while that keeps things from getting stale too quickly, it also prevents most of the songs from realizing themselves fully.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Among the Rotting Trees - The Cold, Misty Morning

My word, what a terrifyingly bad album cover. The logo, the title text, the photo itself. Ick. Fortunately, this Polish instrumental black metal project composes better music than their album artwork design talents. AtRT plays atmospheric black metal of the long and rather repetitive variety, without vocals. While not being a derivative of the Burzum school of hypnotic black metal, this does suck you in via its repetitive passages and well thought out melodic composition. The only real issue I have is some of the riff transitions can jar you out of your listening trance rather harshly, if that's what they were going for I don't know. Also the production on the drum programming could be a little better, but to be honest with atmospheric bm I would just rather it be there and decently mixed, and not to sound like it did on the original mix of "Dawnland" (that might be my one terrible, wish I could fucking correct that shit back in time, mistake). All in all, if you like the style, give it a shot.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Basalte - Vestige

French Canada, I love and hate you so much. You have given us such wonderful things like Montreal, with its numerous bars (of both the standard and titty variety). We also must give thanks for that sloppy heart attack known as poutine. However, you are also responsible for the worst tourists I have ever encountered, including the actual French. Waves of classe-moyenne blanche Québécois clog the streets of Southern Maine, driving like a retarded southerners trying to traverse London in a giant SUV, looking for tacky shirts that state the place they visited in neon, and abusing sales people when they can't understand rapid-fire French (and these salespeople can barely converse in English for the most part, cut 'em a little slack). Despite you exporting the worst portion of your population for their vacations (which is basically the same thing America has done to the rest of the world), I still love you, French Canada. You have given me slutty young women on vacation with their obtuse parents, you have given me Malveillance, you have given me Metal Noir Québécois, and now you give me Basalte.

Basalte don't really fit alongside the rest of the Metal Noir Québécois scene. Yes, all the lyrics are in French and they seem to have a decent amount of pride in their culture. Musically they are along the Atmospheric black metal tip, but with loads of progressive undertones throughout. What sounds like improv jazzy runs come to life in the middle of powerful tremolo picked riffs, but manage to do so in completely natural ways, never sounding like it was thrown on as an afterthought or to just be in there. The composition and performance is solid and unwavering. My only gripe is the sound of the guitars. It seems that they are lacking the extra gain needed to cut in black metal. However this gripe is not even that big of a deal to me, I have done the same thing with some of my recordings and love some bands who use low wattage tube amps to play black metal. It just feels that this recording could use that extra "oomph".

I think this is a great first release overall, and one definitely worth picking up. And these dudes can come visit me in Maine any time, first Timmys on me, but leave the speedos at home.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Numenorean - Demo 2014

New day, new band. Numenorean comes out of the gate from Calgary, Canada. On this first demo, they unleash well composed and executed atmospheric black metal of the more woodsy variety. Agalloch would be a really good template to base their sound on. Just add hints of Falls of Rauros and Alda, and you are basically there. The one fault I'd find with this release is that it's way too good to just be a demo, it sets up expectations, ones that I really hope they can exceed with their coming full length. Highly recommended if you are into the sound.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Mutter - Trashed Body

Within two days I have received two EPs that, while each of them not being totally or wholly black metal, are definitely going on my year end list. Most Holy Death's "Forsake Your Blood" and this, Mutter's follow-up to the already best of the year "Grief Songs". This is not "Grief Songs: Pt 2" thought. Benjamin Roney-Yeager continues to craft a completely inorganic take on industrial black metal, one that here finds itself snaking through soundscapes of noise, ambient, and triphop. What seems like random beeps and bloops are deftly pieced together to help assemble the whole sonic picture. This is adventurous music to say the least. Don't go into it with a static mindset.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Most Holy Death - Forsake Your Blood

It's 3:55 AM and the battery backup that makes sure my server stays on all the time is dying, emitting a chirp every second and a half. My teeth are set on edge, this is the sound of my life ticking away, slowly driving me insane. Of course, it'd probably not be such a quick trip to madness if I wasn't listening to Most Holy Death's follow up to Death Knell. Forsake Your Blood continues with the seething, malignant take on droning, blackened doom/post rock, heartbreaking and claustrophobic and crushing in equal measure. The noise component comes more into play with this recording, helping to create a more desolate and stark sonic landscape. The chirp behind me is fading with the crescendo of the music. Or maybe I've finally reached my destination. If so, what a fine time to get there, listening to this EP.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Aires/Rui P. Andrade/Earthly Beasts - Split

Not Black metal, but related and still fucking good. This three way fuckfest is all Portuguese all the time. Much like the delicious bread I get from the bakery a block away from my house. Would this music be good with marmalade and eggs. Probably. However, it is more similar in its harsh, noisy crust, rather adept in concealing the sweet wheatflesh inside. The Aires track would be most like this, the main bulk of the song is harsh phasing, but beneath it and finally pushing to the front at the end of the movement is a mournful, yet sweet, melody. Rui P. Andrade puts out what is basically a very good and long ambient interlude on a black metal album. Earthly Beasts rounds out this trio with dense soundscapes, and spacious beats, all with the intent to put the listener in a state of high tension. Free Download:

Writhe - The Shrouded Grove

Writhe is a Atmospheric black/Post Black artist from Bedfordshire, UK. The first song starts out like Isa-era Enslaved, before settling back into a more familiar note, kinda Altar of Plauges-esque with hints of fellow countrymen Caina. Far from a carbon copy though. The songwriting is top notch, carrying at times a mournful, yet triumphant feel. A march to a war, to victory, but knowing the loss that will come and not ever forgetting. Definitely one of the better examples of the style, great production and exquisite composition. This will be on my playlist for a while.

Ambergris - S/T

Ambergris is a byproduct of sperm whale digestion, a rank, reeking hunk of whale bile that is used in the manufacture of some of the most iconic and/or expensive perfumes. What does this have to do with this (now basically defunct) 2-Piece from San Diego? Their filthy, repetitive riffing can be as oppressive as being locked into a room with their namesake with no ventilation. However their melodic lines can shine through like the sweetest notes of your lover's (or, in some of your cases, the lady of the night you forked over 200$ to)perfume. Quite an interesting blend of rawness and avant-garde black metal here, but one well worth your time.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Grst - Plague Seed

How do you follow up an ep where you cover one of USBM's sacred relics and receive heaps of praise for it? You release an LP that cements the fact that you are one of the best and brightest acts in the USBM scene today. Grst manage to find that perfect balance between melody and aggression, atmosphere and production, and technicality versus letting the songs shine over the musicians. Josh, Nathanael, and Kenneth have really pushed themselves out here and it paid off. I'm not even asking you to buy it, I'm fucking telling you. There are only 100 copies and it's vinyl only so get the fuck on it.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Phobonoid - Orbita

A black/doom/industrial band writing an album about the end of civilization on Mars as witnessed by Phobos (which is both the satellite and the God of Fear)? As offputting as that may sound to some (not me, that is what hooked me on this fucking beast before I even listened), give it a chance as this is one of the better submissions I have received, ever. This is well written as fuck, equal parts beautiful, claustrophobic, oppressive, and terrifying. The production is not typical in its unevenness, but goes beyond its primary purpose for the delivery of the music, essentially becoming an instrument, drawing you deep into a hypnotic trance before blasting into your skull, digging deep. All of the other instruments are performed adeptly and concise, wasting nothing on flourishes while delivering the intended result razor sharp and taut. Highly recommended, and buy the fucking CD/Tape too.

Nostalgique - Veil

First record of this one man act from Baltimore. Playing "Atmospheric depressive emotional black metal", it truly sounds much like you'd imagine. Muffled, uneven production, a guitar tone that somehow sounds too sharp and too dull at the same time, drums and vocals both overpowering and falling below the mix, and despite a pretty traditional black metal vocal attack, the dreaded DSBM sodomized birdcall vocals appear occasionally. And some of the melodies sound like Fear of Eternity played on a guitar instead of a "My First Casio". However, the rest of the songwriting is pretty spot on, some really good ideas being fleshed out. If you are a fan of the style go for it.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Dunnock - The Rainy Season

Raw atmospheric and depressive black metal. Most of the parts on here were first take and/or improvised. Beside the logo, which looks like the female reproductive system with wings, this is actually pretty bearable. It's fucking noisy and uncomfortable, and the lyrics aren't as bad as most depressive acts.


"As creator of this Blog, I must state that none of the links featured on this site contain albums that i have uploaded myself. All of the uploads shown on this Blog have been found on various sharing sites and networks, all available to the public. I am simply allowing those who do not have the resources the ability to sample and maybe enjoy music that would otherwise go unheard. Support your favorite artists and don't let the record industry die. Thank you."

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Last Sun's Light
Flesh Monolith