Endstille is a Black-Metal-Band from Kiel, Germany. It was founded in the year 2000 by L. Wachtfels (Guitar), Mayhemic Destructor (Drums), Iblis (Vocals) and Cruor (Bass). Wachtfels and Mayhemic Destructor were playing in the Band "Tauthr" before, Iblis and Cruor were members of "Octaria".
They describe their music as "ugly, aggressive Black-Metal with the fire-speed of a MG42 and the power of heavy ship-artillery". Their lyrics mainly refer to their personal experiences and beliefs, as well as to war-scenarios and tactics at war.

Endstille - Operation Wintersturm [ 2002 ]

Endstille - Frühlingserwachen [ 2003 ]

Endstille - Dominanz [ 2004 ]

Endstille - Navigator [ 2005 ]

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