Auspicium - Death Will Claim Us All
This was actually recorded quite a while before "Dawnland". It was actually working on this that made me branch off and do Avulse. I felt that it was too "straightforward" to be what I wanted Auspicium to be. So I set it aside for almost a year and then returned to it recently. Musically, its Black Metal, plain and simple. Lyrics about mass genocide and human idiocy co-inside with the ones about the ocean and forests. Faster than anything else Auspicium has done. Not to fret, there are touches of the atmosphere and general oddfuckery that endears or alienates people to Auspicium.
There's even a Simon and Garfunkel cover.
2009 - Death Will Claim Us All

I only made a few of these, and they all sold out. I'll repost this when I press more.

I only made a few of these, and they all sold out. I'll repost this when I press more.
The Flesh the Day Shapes and the Day the Flesh Shapes!!!!
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