Teeth Gnashers
Awesome new band from the US; the first demo is raw black metal in the vein of Bone Awl, rehearsal like quality but for some reason incredibly listenable, the last song is fucking great. The second ep features one acoustic song with black metal vocals and a fucked up Animal Collective cover, I found this one to be a really fun listen.
Basically the band sounds like they’re fucking around, but it’s not half bad, give it a listen!
Basically the band sounds like they’re fucking around, but it’s not half bad, give it a listen!

2009 - Shark's Breath / Bluish

download both here [both are 128kbps]
bathmate you are a fucking machine talking shit I hate this crap comments
thx for the music sounds promising...
I fucking love bathmate.
wats going on here
Except for Too Drunk for Punk (really cool track) this is CRAP.
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