Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice of Steel
I'm usually not that crazy for music like this, but probably because of all of the festivities I'm in the mood for some accessible folky black metal and what better choice than the new Nokturnal Mortum.

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seriously, this release makes every single one of their other cds seem like a complete f'ing joke.
if you're like me and never cared much for them in the past, this cd will change that.
ns cunts
Elad, I agree completely, I'm amazed that this is the same Nokturnal Mortum; the rock elements are fucking great and the whole thing just oozes with quality.
holy shit... May I am the greatest NM Supporter, but til now I didn't even NOTICE that there's some new ukrainian stuff...
awesome. If it sounds like "Valkyrie" already sounded on "live in Katowice"... It may can reach Lunar Poetry in my opinion.
Thanks Khaos for this awesome add, and be sure I will buy this record, and if I have to do this from Knjaz in personal face-to-face.
great! I cannot express how happy I am about it!
nsbm or not, nokturnal has always been amazing...
how can any intelligent being say "nsbm or not".
I don`t think that good music is an excuse for bing a racist retard talking shit.
thats the problem with todays people they`re plain stupid
i can very easily not care about whether or not they are NSBM because the music itself represents "folk", if you do not like opposing viewpoints (regardless of how "stupid" and "unintelligent") you find them, do not look into the music of other cultures and societies.
oh, and if you take any of what I said as I endorse or support nazi-socialism, you're a thick cunt, but the beauty of an "extreme art" like black metal is allowing the expression of whatever radical you wish by sound or associations...if you take the music with society notion seriously, everybody who ever digged bathory or graveland is now an aryan sunwheel hailing ad&d dice rolling jew hating cunt.
I agree. Liking a certain band does not make you a racist, and even if you are, your thoughts are your own, just as someone that opposes ns beliefs. Anyways, awesome band, amazing album i love it.
The members are racists yes, but to my knowledge there's nothing really racist in their music at all. So I don't see any reason why someone shouldn't like this.
NM are not NS, they just are really jealous that they can't have big black cocks.
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