Vaniardur - Silmarillion
I posted Vaniardur's space themed Rhea Before Titan a little while back. I liked the spacy-dark ambient-cum-instrumental black metal that it presented. Now Vaniardur is taking on Tolkien. At best, this sounds like a interlude on a symphonic LotR black metal band. At worst, it sounds like Rakoth. The synth guitars are the icing on the weird ass cake. Now, just because I don't like this release does it mean that I don't appreciate Vaniardur. Their talent is apparent, and they have a great ear for melody. I just think in the context, I appreciate less organic music when it deals with a less organic medium like space. I've just heard this record before many times, some worse, some better.
Can't seem to be able to download.
yeah dude, where's the link. love the blog btw.
shit guys. i'm losing what little mind i have left. it'll be up in under 10 minutes.
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